
Posts Tagged ‘Shelton’

USING ORDINARY PAPER BAGS and a bunch of added materials we made unique masks for children little and big.  We had some very big children trying them on…including the mommys and daddys!

A really good time was had by all at the Barnyard Garden special Saturday Mask Making and Cooke Decorating Event.  Now that the Farmer’s Market has ended for the season, Barnyard Gardens, a comprehensive nursery and gardening supplies business,  is extending the season by hosting various activities by the Farmer’s Market booth folks in their hospitable space on the plateau part of the little city of Shelton Washington.


The Bridesmaid makes her Mask



The Littlest Maskmaker with her Mom


Kirsten and Paul are very much hands-on parents, and their children are growing up in the heart of their parents’ everyday business.
Here little Ruby is showing how much she wants to get mobile enough to do all the fun stuff.  She is only a few months old, and often is packed about
in a parental backpack.  Ruby and Johnny are very much a part of the summertime Farmer’s Market scene.



Maskmakers decorate cookies too


For the little ones we designed masks with less (or no) face coverage.  Owls and rabbits and cats were useful for this.  Here is a wee bunny.


Ruby the little Bunny


Other thumbnails to larger images of this fun day:



Baby Bunny Mask



The SceneJohnny cutting


Above are some other thumbnails including pictures of my wonderful, unflappable Jo who is my sidekick in all my arty enterprises in the town of Shelton.

Enjoy the fun of crafting things out of simple materials with children.  Sometimes children are the best teachers!

old swimmer

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